Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Happy Deepavali!


Deepavali (or Diwali) is the Indian Festival of Lights. It is a major festival celebrated by the Hindus around the world. This festival focuses on lights and lamps, where the lights or lamps signify the uplighting of darkness and victory of good over the evil within.

Deepavali is celebrated for five consecutive days at the end of Hindu month of Kartika (purminata) or Ashwayuja (amanta). It usually occurs in October/November, and is one of the most popular and eagerly awaited festivals in India. Those that celebrate it regard it as a celebration of life and use the occasion to strengthen family and social relationships.

Little D's school also celebrated Deepavali. They learnt about the festival in school and made oil lamps as well. Here's a pic of Little D in her lengah all set for the celebrations.

Little D brought some rose shaped muruku to share with her friends for their Deepavali party.

Little D was given a bindi to wear on her forehead.


Anonymous said...

Ooh, your little D is so sweet in that dress. She is only 2 and already in school?

Did you make the rose muruku?

stay-at-home mum said...

Hi Judy
No, I didnt make those muruku. I wish I knew how.
Yes, Little D is in a pre-school, cum child-care. That way, i get a short break everyday :)

Anonymous said...

oh..she looks soo cute!!!!

n..i read ur latest post on her biggggggg declaration of love...what a fantastic mood lifter!!!!!!!!!

bp said...

So sweet, pretty little D!

I always enjoy your posts like this, about D and all such celebrations going on in her school... to remind me what I'm missing back home!

Have a good, longer-than-usual (yes?) weekend, with your family! Vanakam!!!