Sunday, April 6, 2008

When friends meet, hearts warm

That was the saying on a decorative tile which my friends gave to me for my 16th birthday. I distinctively remember the verse, as when I first received it, I thought how true it was.

Last friday evening, a group of us met up for dinner. There were to be 7 of us, but 3 could not make it in the end. One had to fly off with her husband on short notice, another had work commitments which she could not get out off, and the last thought it was to be held the week after!!

Anyway, 4 "convent" girls met. Two have not met for 29 years, and continued like they never lost touch. The reason for the gathering was that one was migrating soon. Though it was only 4, we were a noisy bunch, busy eating, talking and catching up despite all the noise in the restuarant we were in.

Sad isn't it? When friends leave. For whatever reasons, we have one less girl friend to meet up with for a meal. Nowadays, we tend to only meet when someone is visiting (after having migrated), or when someone is migrating. Or, at funerals. (We are at that age where our parents are fairly vunerable to be returning to the maker.) We rarely meet up for no reason. Everyone is busy with their own lives and family demands.

Old Friends should meet more often, as warm hearts give us that nice fuzzy feeling!!



bp said...

Yes to that warm, fuzzy feeling!!! And I miss being able to meet up with old friends back home! Glad you had such a wonderful time catching up with your old pals... and good thing technology lets us keep in touch still, no matter how far across the globe we may be from each other! =)

Yan said...

One of my best friends said this - we have to be intentional about meeting each other. So, we always make an effort to meet up whenever I drop by Kuching, whether over a cup of coffee or having a fulfilling lunch or dinner!

You must have a great time "shouting" over the table at the noisy restaurant :) Good of you!